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Experience the difference of our different types of wood. We are proud to serve you with the best quality of wood so you can enjoy at the comfort of your fireplace, social gatherings, camping or special events. We want to make sure you enjoy the best quality of wood. Our logs come in different sizes: custom sizes, standard size 16"- 22", mini logs 10"- 16", chunks 1.5"- 4". 


Hardwoods are often considered to be a superior firewood because the wood is very dense.  The dense wood creates a hot, long lasting fire without a lot of smoke or sparks.  The wood also creates hot coals which give out radiant heat for a long period of time.


Softwoods are great to start up fires thus they make great campfires because they burn quickly and produce a nice flame. Softwoods can be used as kindling. This lightweight wood is typically very resinous which allows the wood to light easily and burn hot and fast. A fire built from softwoods will usually have large flames that crackle and spark. Highly recommended to blend this type of wood with hardwood to help freshen up a slow burning fire. 

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