The longest burning wood period. This type of wood is great for camping, outside and inside fireplaces. It has a subtle clean aroma produces minimal smoke, burns very clean and has the highest heat output out of any other type wood outhere. This type of wood is great for fires that you want to keep going for a very long time especially for those camping trips and gatherings outside. It is recommended to be blended with a softer type of wood.
Indoor fire ★★★★★★ Smoking meats ★
Outdoor fire ★★★★★★ Pizza oven ★★★★★
Aroma ★★★ Griling ★★★★★
Durability ★★★★★★
Smoke ★★★★★
Great for pizza ovens because it produces the greatest heat output of any wood. Because it is a very clean burning wood with a subtle aroma it is great for grilling meat as well. Not recommended to be used for smoking meats.