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Pecan has a pleasant aroma, it burns very hot and it burns long. Pecan is a great wood for firepits and chimmeys. Pecan has a very high heat output, it does not pop or crackle. It is one of the cleanest woods to burn and it is preferred by people with allergies. This type of wood is great for inside and outside fireplaces during the winter.




Indoor fire     ★★★★★            Smoking meats ★★★★★★

Outdoor fire ★★★★★            Pizza oven            ★★★★★

Aroma            ★★★★                 Griling                    ★★★★★

Durability     ★★★★★

Smoke          ★★★★★





  • Pecan has an excellent sweet and mild flavor which makes it excellent to BBQ, smoke pork and to grill rib eye. Because of it's flavor Pecan has won more BBQ championships than any other type of wood. Pecan is very similar to Oak. Pecan is also great for using to cook in pizza ovens.

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